Integrated Training For Our Athletes.
GGT Athletes Now Have IMMEDIATE Access To First-Rate Injury Care.
Integrated Physical Medicine
Four Locations - Joliet, Naperville, New Lenox & Roselle
Integrated Physical Medicine clinics utilize safe and effective sports-medicine based rehabilitation protocols. Each clinic has all of the experience and equipment to ensure that every athlete gets the most comprehensive care in the area. Founded in 2009 by Dr. Jonathan Polcyn and Dr. Scott Kenny, IPM has focused primarily on aiding youth and high school athletes in their four locations and respective communities.
There is NO CHARGE for phone consultations, injury assessments and digital X-Rays performed at IPM on GGT athletes.
If an injury is suspected, GGT athletes will be seen within 24 hours by an IPM Physician. Diagnosis and treatment recommendation will be reviewed with parents & athlete. In-house sports rehabilitation will be available if the injury requires it.
NO HAY CARGO por consultas telefónicas, evaluaciones de lesiones.
Si se sospecha una lesión, los atletas de GGT serán atendidos dentro de las 24 horas por un médico de IPM. El diagnóstico y la recomendación de tratamiento se revisarán con los padres y el atleta. La rehabilitación deportiva interna estará disponible si la lesión lo requiere.